Friday, August 31, 2007

Vitamin "D" 8.31.07

Vitamin "D"

Okay,Detroit. It's time to get our party ON! In addition to being an utterly gorgeous weekend (sunny and in the low 80's everyday) there are just tons of free music events in town all weekend. We do, let's not forget live in DETROIT ROCK CITY!

So dig this...

Jazz Fest at Hart Plaza w/Herbie Hancock and Ragina Carter Free!

Arts Beats and East in downtown Pontiac w/ Startship, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Brian Mc Knight, Gin Blossoms and soooooo much more for Free!

The Michigan State Fair w/Alice Cooper and Shinedown for Free!

Not to mention literally hundreds of artists and musicians from right here in Detroit.

Oh yeah, and the Detroit Grand Prix. Dang!

Work hard, play hard-that's how we roll.

Don't hate us because we're beautiful...and are we beautiful!


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